Zerstörungen der Südstadt
Other title(s): Destructions of Cologne‘s Südstadt
Destruction de Cologne Südstadt
Genre: Amateur film
Year: 1950
Runtime: 00:02:09
Description: Around the Blaubach and the Waidmarkt, the war damage is still clearly visible in Cologne's Südstadt. Houses lie in ruins while people try to go about their regular lives in the post-war period. View from Wallrafplatz to Stollwerckhaus and the entrance to Hohe Strasse. Towards the end also view of Gürzenich, Gürzenichstrasse and Heumarkt.
Keywords: Victor-E project / Kriegsschäden / Nachkriegszeit / Ruine / Waidmarkt / Trümmer / war damage / post-war period / ruin / waidmarkt / rubble / war destruction / public / outdoor / dispersed individuals / square / street / car / ruins / sign / Blaubach / Heumarkt / Kölner Dom / Südstadt / Germany / Cologne / Cathedral / Morocco
Provider: WDR Digit
Rights: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted / Nokurth – Visit WDR Digit website for more information
Colour: Colour
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Digit - Archiv des analogen Alltags